Wednesday, August 17, 2016

12 Foot Yurt Interiors

I thought I would post some shots of the interior of the 12 foot yurt as it was when we pitched it in the Mojave Preserve at Kelso Dunes.  The main thing about the yurt is that it looks bigger from the inside than from the outside.  Might be the circular layout that creates that illusion.  In any case, it feels plenty spacious from the inside.  I suppose that part of it may be that we sit on the floor which puts the ceiling at a greater distance than in a normal western house where you stand up or sit on chairs and at tables, all of which consume space and make interior space seem more cramped.
Sleeping bags folded up against the wall and pillows piled on top of them to make a couch for daytime lounging, turning the bedroom area into a living room.

A view from the door with the couch toward the right.

The kitchen area up against the far wall opposite the door and to the left of the couch.

The living room in use as a reading area.

And to the left of the kitchen area is a storage and work area.

The floor of the yurt is covered with an assortment of rugs. We had one large ground cloth that covered the whole floor of the yurt with the rugs on top of the ground cloth, but we ended up leaving the perimeter of the floor uncovered which made it easier to sweep sand and gravel off the rugs. 

The yurt interior on an overcast day. Coats and hats hang off the wall trellis.  Hand crank sewing machine in the wooden box  to the right.

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